The Social Art
To Love we must first Look, Listen and Let unveiL what the other Lacks, is Looking for. If L becomes a habit we can “think on our feet”. Lifting and faLLing, Like the fLow water, we find our course!
As early architects built, sculpted and painted before these activities emerged in their own right Eurythmy arises out of the actor’s voice. Employing the body as an instrument the limbs release the breathing from the constriction of the central nervous system (CNS). Artistic expression develops new habits necessary for modern life.
Using our body as an instrument we will work our way into the twelve virtues, the twelve abilities needed by every individual, every team, every society striving to take its place in a rapidly changing world – singing a new song.
Do you feel connected with your work, with your loved ones, with society as a whole? Are you happy and contented knowing you are living a balanced, ethical life that supports and nourishes you at all levels of your being? Do you suffer from stress, anxiety, fatigue, depression or addiction?
If any of this resonates, then The Social Art Workshop is for you.
THE Hidden Script
As individual/team we use verse, diary, one word to clarify the future trying to emerge. Eurythmy enables the making visible with our body, strengthening this process. We become it.
The Social Art
To Love we must first Look, Listen and Let unveiL what the other Lacks, is Looking for. If L becomes a habit we can “think on our feet”. Lifting and faLLing, Like the fLow water, we find our course!
Eurythmy is expression via the body, we become a larynx. Larynxes talk, engage.
As the world seems to be giving us a clarion call for something really new, this workshop can provide a basis on which to move forward in a way that not only impacts positively on the world, the organisation, the group, but also on the individual in terms of a greater feeling of well-being and contentment.
The videos are based on the premise that when we transform ourselves, we change the world.